Upgrade Samsung Galaxy Ace ke Ice Cream Sandwich dengan S3 Evolution Berasa memiliki SIII

Om Swastiastu

Sebulan sudah saya tidak mengupdate blog ini. Benar saja traffic dari blog ini langsung menurun drastis. Kali ini saya akan memberikan satu lagi ROM ice cream sandwich untuk Galaxy Ace.

Mengapa masih Ice Cream Sandwich ?

Karena rom ini terasa spesial dan rasanya sayang untuk tidak dibagikan.. ROM ini mengadopsi UI dan beberapa fitur dari Samsung Galaxy S III. Seperti S-Voice. Berikut spesifikasi lengkapnya

Screen Shoot

1)TouchwizUX from galaxy S3 (MDPI) 
2)Based on CyanogenMod 9.0.4-RC1-MacławStudios
3)SGIII Real accu weather 
4)Samsung galaxy s3 WallpaperChooser 
5)SGSIII Icons
6)SGSIII Sounds
7)MusicHub Hub 3.0
8)SGSIII Live Wallpapers
9)S-voice Modded
10)Swype key
11)SG3 Clock widget 
13)Application monitor widget 
16)Family Story
17)Polaris Office
18)You tube
19)Stock Video Player
20)Prima Wifi File
21)S suggest
23)Chat on
24)Samsung Apps
25)facebook Sns Account
26)Samsung Account Service 


changelog for beta3.1 :

- remove temporary S2 touchwizclok i have some problem to recompil it ( i provide stock ace vertion for now)
- Nims Kernel V2.1
- Camera taking pictures , preview is working,settings working
(Sometimes camera service cant connect to camera - you must reopen application.)
- tweak Laucher stay in persistant memory 
- missing Language added 
- Mdpi TwCalculator 
- Improve battery life tenfold by PureMotive
- Fix boot problem 
- fix googleplay issue 
- Apollo music player removed aand replaced by Miui themed Music player

Beta 3 Ultimate:

- Merged on CyanogenMod 9.0.4-RC1-MacławStudios
- disable wallpaper scrolling (like stock Galaxy s3) & some tweak on TWUx launcher for beter performances 
- LagFreeV3 ReRolled include (thanks to Slaid480s)
- AMARULLZ DATA TO SD-EXT(A2SDX) (i provide one without to) (thanks to amarullz for made it & sergeantgeneral for share)
- SRS Audio Effects (thanks to paul-xxx for made it & ImbaWind for share)
- fix Google voice shearch- 
- Accuweather style on lock screen
- Fix missing Languages (korean chinese ect...)
- better battery 
- fix the system not responding some time
- replace clock with TW clock
- SG3 Clock widget 
- Samsung apps 
- S3 other service
- Samsung Account Service (youcan download additional s3 app on samsung apps and make it work  (like Music hub 3.0 , kies Cast , Family story , mystory)
- Facebook Sns Account
- stock video player 
- youtube
- polaris office
- Quik Panel settings
- Cfw Manager
- Application monitor widget 
- WiFi File Manager (allow you to connect to your sd card with web browser on your Pc)
- New real S3 bootanimation
- Music Hub Hd 3.0 
- Family Story
- Kies Cast
- PicsPlay (Replace the S3 photo editor work great but need to adjust Dpi comming next release)
- Postit
- ... 

Beta 3 Light:

- Merged on CyanogenMod 9.0.4-RC1-MacławStudios
- disable wallpaper scrolling (like stock Galaxy s3) & some tweak on TWUx launcher for beter performances 
- LagFreeV3 ReRolled include (thanks to Slaid480s)
- SRS Audio Effects (thanks to paul-xxx for made it & ImbaWind for share)
- fix Google voice shearch- 
- Accuweather style on lock screen
- Fix missing Languages (korean chinese ect...)
- better battery 
- fix the system not responding some time
- replace clock with TW clock
- SG3 Clock widget 
- S3 other service
- Samsung Account Service (youcan download additional s3 app on samsung apps and make it work (like Music hub 3.0 , kies Cast , Family story , mystory)
- Facebook Sns Account
- stock video player 
- youtube
- polaris office
- Quik Panel settings
- Cfw Manager
- Application monitor widget 
- WiFi File Manager (allow you to connect to your sd card with web browser on your Pc)
- New real S3 bootanimation
- ... 


- Fix gps agps Thanks to Mardon for this 
- CamPatch 10-07 now include in rom 
- New system ui added
- better performances
apk installed on first boot so you can uninstall it :
- swype (install another before uninstall) 
- svoice 
- apollo
- dropbox
- google map

New repertory create on sdcard with some app you can install:

- ChatOn
- Ssuggest
- Mystory

gps agps and network location doesnt Work

- Menampilkan UI yang mirip dengan Samsung Galaxy SIII
- Bisa Menggunakan Kamera
- Memiliki S-Voice

- Baterai cepat habis
- Terkadang tidak bisa menggunakan Mobile network dan GPS

Saya sebagai admin dari SDOW (Sebastian Dika Official Website) tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan yang mungkin saja terjadi pada perangkat anda. Jika terjadi kejanggalan silahkan di klik link ini untuk pertolongan pertama

Bagaimana tertarik ?
Ikuti dulu syaratnya
1. Galaxy Ace anda harus sudah di root. Jika belum silahkan klik link berikut
2. Kesiapan secara mental karena beberapa kemungkin yang akan diterima
3. Telah Terinstall Clockworkmod recovery V5 jika belum klik disini
4. Galaxy ace anda minimal gingerbread

File Download (Silahkan dicoba satu-satu :) )
S3-Evolution-Beta-3.1-Ultimate.zip (Ini yang ane coba sendiri)

Cara Instalasi
- Masuk ke mode Clockworkmod Recovery ( dengan menekan tombol home + power secara bersamaan saat Galaxy Ace mati)
- Pilih Wipe data/factory reset lalu yes
- Pilih Wipe cache partition lalu yes
- Pilih advanced
- Pilih Wipe Dalvik cache lalu yes
- Tunggu beberapa saat
- Pilih Install zip fom sdard lalu pilih yang pertama
- Pilih file yang anda download
- Sekarang kembali ke homescreen dan pilih reboot system now
- Tunggu kurang lebih 5-9 menit

Selamat anda sudah berhasil menginstal ICS di Galaxy Ace.

Terima Kasih sudah mengunjungi Sebastian Dika Official Website
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om

Tabloid PULSA

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